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HPE Cray EX Supercomputer
The Next Era of SuperComputing

HPE Cray EX Supercomputer

HPE Cray EX Supercomputer

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Do you need a powerful solution to meet today's supercomputing challenges?

HPE Cray supercomputers enable you to tackle infrastructure challenges that require the fusion of modeling and simulation workloads with analytics, AI, and the Internet of Things to create a single business-critical workflow. Today's high-performance computing systems must be able to handle these massive and converged workloads, leading to a supercomputing sea-change.
With the imperative to navigate increasingly diverse and complex workloads, the next generation of supercomputers will be differentiated by exascale performance, data-centric workloads, and diversification of processor architectures.

HPE Cray supercomputers deliver application HPC and AI performance at scale, provide a flexible solution for tens to hundreds to thousands of nodes, and deliver consistent, predictable, and reliable performance, facilitating high productivity on large-scale workflows.

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HPE Cray EX Supercomputer
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