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Big Data and Analytics

Hortonworks Diagram

The HPE Nimble Storage Predictive Flash Platform dramatically improves performance of your analytic applications and big data workloads. Meet cost and capacity SLAs by leveraging predictive analytics and a unified flash fabric.

HPE Nimble Storage's Predictive Flash solutions deliver the performance and capacity demanded by Big Data applications. Among their unique benefits:

Key Benefits

Big Data and Analytics for Splunk

Splunk turns machine data into valuable insights by monitoring and analyzing machine data. Nimble Solution for Splunk delivers the highest performance along with the highest levels of availability while simplifying deployment and management – all while meeting today’s IT budget constraints.

Key Benefits

The Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)

The Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) is based on Apache Hadoop. It allows multi-workload data processing across an array of processing methods – from batch through interactive to real-time – all supported by solutions for governance, integration, security and operations.



Download Solution Brief: HPE Nimble Storage for Hortonworks (PDF).

Download Solution Brief: HPE Nimble Storage for Splunk Enterprise (PDF).

Download Hortonworks Solution Overview: HPE Nimble Storage Accelerates Hortonworks Data Platform (PDF).

Download Solution Brief: HP Vertica (PDF).