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HPE NonStop X NS7
Redefining continuous availability and scalability for x86

HPE NonStop X NS7

HPE NonStop X NS7

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The NS7 system extends the 100% fault-tolerant NonStop platform to include the x86 architecture. It offers the highest level of availability for enterprise scale x86 architecture. You can trust it to meet your complete solution requirements.

Engineered for the highest availability level

For businesses that never stop
HPE NonStop systems are designed specifically for the very highest availability levels. The industry analyst firm, IDC defines the highest availability as Availability Level 41(AL4), where business processes continue as before. That means no interruption of work and no degradation in performance. For almost four decades, the HPE NonStop architecture remains the ideal choice when there’s a need for high level availability and reliability—in compute environments that support continuous business. NonStop enjoys the same dominant position with the IDC Availability Levels, retaining the AL4 level even today, while evolving and revolutionizing the way it is deployed and delivered to customers.

The HPE NonStop X NS7 system extends the 100 percent fault-tolerant HPE NonStop platform to include the x86 architecture. With it, you can leverage a proven solution for uninterrupted business that delivers timeless value regardless of the underlying architecture.

Architectural choice without compromise

HPE NonStop systems provide a deployment choice on either the x86 architecture (Intel Xeon processors) for the HPE NonStop X systems or the Intel Itanium architecture for the HPE Integrity NonStop i systems. Mission-critical customers like you can continue to rely upon HPE NonStop systems, deployed on either architecture, to deliver a resilient business foundation without compromise. HPE has extended the mission-critical NonStop solution to include a virtualized solution that can be deployed in a private cloud environment. This HPE Virtualized NonStop is managed through VMware based solutions and can be deployed on many industry standard x86 based servers. This software-based solution increases your choice of NonStop systems from the fully integrated and tested NonStop Converged systems to VMware based virtualized IT platform as a service depending on what best suits your specific needs. Whatever your NonStop deployment choices are, you will benefit from the HPE NonStop fundamentals of availability, scalability, security, and data integrity for your mission-critical workloads.

Innovation to match growing business demands

Rapid business growth means that mission-critical workloads require an infrastructure that can scale up to match growing business demands, with the capacity to handle processing-intensive workloads.

HPE NonStop X NS7 with InfiniBand delivers more than a 25-time increase in system interconnect capacity2 for responding to business growth, and more than double the performance capacity3 to handle intensive transaction volumes. In addition, the NS7 can add capacity online, with near-linear scalability and no application outage.

Deliver operational efficiency for greater business value

HPE NonStop X NS7 delivers:

  • Two times the NonStop CPU density4 in a single enclosure
  • Nearly triple the memory capacity5 for improved application performance
  • Industry-standard InfiniBand as the system interconnect for increased system capacity and lower latencies
  • Fully integrated solution stack and proven NonStop fundamentals for industry-leading fault tolerance
  • Factory-integrated, fully tested and verified hardware and software solution for out-of-the-box efficiency

Existing NonStop applications running on NonStop X

  • Most existing non-native TNS (Tandem NonStop, CISC) applications will run on the NonStop X architecture without change.
  • TNS applications can be accelerated to take advantage of the new system’s performance using the new NonStop X accelerator.
  • Native Intel Itanium applications can take advantage of the new NonStop X compilers and with a simple recompilation run on the new platform.
  • Native applications require few, if any source code changes in order to run on the NonStop X architecture.
  • In summary, NonStop X is a high-performance environment that fits comfortably into your existing data center, is ready for your mission-critical applications, and is 100% NonStop.

HPE NonStop X - The Platform For Your Continuous Business

With the HPE NonStop X NS3 system, HPE continues to deliver world-class systems using a collaborative approach to design and build an agile infrastructure. When you add up the scorecard, you will realize the NS3 is offered at a price point that is favorable to those who may be considering open source alternatives. HPE partners with the best-of-breed independent software vendors (ISVs) for mission-critical solutions in many vertical industries—and delivers a complete portfolio of enterprise solutions from leading HPE partners, extending our joint capability and ultimately enhancing your value.

In a world that never stops, you must be there, continuously—because your customers won’t wait. HPE NonStop is your product family for continuous business.

1 IDC, Jan 2018, Doc #US43503817, Worldwide and U.S. High-Availability Server Forecast, 2018–2021
2 Comparison of HPE Integrity NonStop i ServerNet bandwidth with HPE NonStop X FDR InfiniBand bandwidth, HPE Internal testing, 2020
3 6-core licensed NS7 X1 system compared to HPE Integrity NonStop BladeSystem NB56000c licensed at 4 cores, HPE Internal testing, 2020
4 Compared to NonStop BladeSystem NB56000c with greater than eight NonStop CPUs, HPE NonStop Product Management, 2020
5 Compared to NonStop BladeSystem NB56000c maximum RAM per CPU, HPE NonStop Product Management, 2020

Pricing Notes:

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HPE NonStop X NS7
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